THE $HAREWARE MARKETING $YSTEM (c) 1990 (A shareware software package) from Seattle Scientific Photography EDITOR, JIM HOOD (206) 236-0470 MAILING ADDRESS: PO BOX 1506, MERCER ISLAND, WA 98040 лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл NOTES ABOUT THE DATABASE BUT FIRST A HOT TIP! лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл This file contains ESSENTIAL information describing the database file(s) on this disk. Be sure to read ALL items of information prior to using the mailing list database! But first this special hot tip for shareware authors! лллллл HOT TIP лллллл Here is an interesting idea: I would like to find 20 or 30 dependable shareware authors to form the Bulletin Board $HAREWARE MARKETING $YSTEM NETWORK ($M$ Net). Here is how it works: When my shareware package is released by myself in my city (Seattle) I mail disk copies to 30 willing shareware authors in New York, Orlando, Sacramento, Washington DC, etc. These people IMMEDIATLEY upload it to 10 HOT BBS systems in their city. In exchange, EVERYONE does the same for EVERYONE else in $M$ NET. Nothing like knowing that 300 guaranteed copies (10 BBS uploads times 30 major US cities) of your program are somewhat simultaneously being shipped to major BBS systems throughout America within one week for the simple cost of a little postage! And obviously there are more than 30 major American cities - if you follow the drift . . . Contact me if you would like to participate. Key criteria: you have to live in a large city and have routine access to the HOT BOARDS in your city. You must be a shareware author. One author per city. No cash flow or charges, just a common sense courtesy among authors! In future issues I will include a database listing of members in $M$ NET within this shareware package which you can search to see if your city is represented and thus if an opening (for you) exists! The listing will also have the HOT BBS phone numbers we intend to upload to which should also be useful to you as a shareware author! This way we all get a shot at the brass ring by helping each other at the cost of a little postage! лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл ABOUT THE SHAREWARE DISTRIBUTOR DATABASE лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл DATABASE FILE FORMAT You must have a database product or spreadsheet to use this data. This package contains data files which can be loaded into products such as dBase, PC-File, Wampum, Rbase, Reflex and other popular database packages. Alternatively you can use any popular spreadsheet program which can import Lotus (tm) files in WKS (Lotus Ver 1) files. A hard drive is suggested, but the author can supply the file in smaller portions suitable for floppy drive systems if you do not have a hard drive. The database file is supplied in a self-extracting format. DISTRIB1.EXE will unpack to produce a dBase III format file while DISTRIB2.EXE will produce a Lotus 123 (tm) WKS format file. Both files are large when unpacked and are best unpacked from a hard drive. To unpack the files, once you have safely copied them onto your hard drive into the same subdirectory or area as your database or spreadsheet, simply execute the command: C>DISTRIB1 produces dBase format file: DISTRIB.DBF ------ or ------- C>DISTRIB2 produces 123 format file: DISTRIB.WKS Depending on the database product you use, either or both file(s) should import directly into your database software. Write the author of this package if you need an unsual format or prefer an ASCII text file version which can also be imported into many database products. For those not having a hard drive, a special "multi-part" database file is available which can be used with floppy systems. Contact the author. The file has "live data" already inserted and ready for you to import into your database. The data consists of lists of shareware distributors, BBS systems and computer clubs which maintain shareware libraries. Basically the list of organizations within the database is the "target audience" for your mailing or BBS upload campaign. PC File (tm) and Wampum (tm) are popular shareware database products which will accept the dBase III (tm) file format. The primary database is retained in Borland's Reflex V2.0 (tm) which can export to MANY popular formats. The author can ship you a copy of one or several shareware database programs or you can contact any of the shareware distributors in the distributor database for a database program if you do not currently use a database package. This package only contains the data, not the database program! Next, let's look at two typical records with a few notes about field usage. DATABASE RECORD EXAMPLES DISTRIB_MNEUMONIC: D RATING: A DATE LISTED_REVISED: 8/21/90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LABELTOP: AUTHOR SUBMISSIONS & UPDATES COMPANY: SOFT A'WARE FIRSTNAME: George LASTNAME: Van Valkenburg ADDRESS: 1221 CUSHMAN AVENUE, SUITE E POSITION: CITY: SAN DIEGO STATE: CA ZIP: 92110 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAY TEL: 619/298-3392 BBS TEL: FAX TEL: 619/298-3619 TOLLFREE_ORDER TEL: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ REMARKS1: Owner, George V. is superior source of ideas, enthusiasm! REMARKS2: ASP says catalog has "best descriptions . . . one of best seen" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRINT?: DISTRIB_TYPE: DISTRIBUTOR AFFILIATION: ASP ========= (second example:) ========= DISTRIB_MNEUMONIC: M RATING: A DATE LISTED_REVISED: 8/21/90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LABELTOP: COMPANY: Seattle Times FIRSTNAME: Paul LASTNAME: Andrews ADDRESS: POB 70 POSITION: PC Columnist CITY: Seattle STATE: WA ZIP: 98111 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DAY TEL: BBS TEL: FAX TEL: 382-8879 TOLLFREE_ORDER TEL: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ REMARKS1: Paul's Compuserve ID is 76050,161, Paul is a key contact! REMARKS2: Paul writes an extremely well-respected column for major newspaper ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PRINT?: DISTRIB_TYPE: MAGAZINE OR NEWSPAPER WRITER AFFILIATION: (end of records) A few field names deserve closer examination. The DISTRIBUTOR MNEUMONIC is used by myself as a simple entry code: D=DISTRIBUTOR, C=COMPUTER CLUB, B=BBS SYSTEM, M=MAGAZINE OR NEWSPAPER WRITER, A=ASP KEY CONTACT PERSON. This code causes the Reflex (Ver 2.0) database to automatically enter data for both the DISTRIBUTOR TYPE field and LABELTOP field. This saves me some typing and adds a little clarity and usefulness to the data. The PRINT? field can be used by yourself to mark selected entries prior to printing. Both the RATING and DATE LISTED\REVISED fields are somewhat obvious and are discussed in greater detail below. My favorite use of the data fields for mailing label production is to use the LABELTOP as the first line, COMPANY as the second line, ADDRESS as the third, and finally CITY, STATE and ZIP on the final line(s). Add the FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME to the LABELTOP field if you have a name in the name(s) field. An example printout of a mailing label series is presented in a few paragraphs . . . USING THE DATABASE Just as there are many different types of shareware packages and authors, there are many ways of using the database list of shareware vendors. Some authors may prefer to sort the database by RATING and mailing exclusively to the "A" rated vendors or BOTH the "A" and "B" rated vendors. This can be EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE. You might also wish to sort by distributor type (D=DISTRIBUTOR, C=COMPUTER CLUB, B=BBS SYSTEM plus other codes as mentioned above) which will allow you to separate out certain classes of vendors for consideration. Other shareware authors may wish to mail only to vendors within their state or possibly only computer clubs. Other unusual mailings might involve sorting mailing labels by zip code, by state or even by ASP (tm) affiliation. Yet another way to use the database is to import the list and then ADD additional custom fields yourself to track response time by the distributor, date you mailed your shareware, name of key contact person or even a tracking field to show you which distributor has higher response for your package judging by registrations from that state, city or county! If you stumble upon a NECESARY FIELD let me know and I will add it to the database in future editions of this package! Some shareware authors may wish to ADD field(s) describing particular distributor specialization (e.g., bible shareware, graphics images or application packages.) In future editions of the database I could add fields to indicate number of pages in the distributor's catalog or other data. Wouldn't it be great to mail your shareware to distributors having the largest catalogs or some other criteria which is important to YOU the author? I am open to other constructive suggestions to modify or enhance the master database field structure! I have carefully added a field showing the date the distributor was revised or listed in the database, so if you only wish to examine or append the latest updates to the list, sort on the date field and you will quickly find the latest revisons which need to be added to your list. Most database products will let you append a similar file to an existing file. Thus you may add to your list or simply start over with the newer, larger and revised list from my quarterly update. If a distributor has a new phone number, rating or other update, the date field will be changed in my master listing so you can always spot changes by sorting on the date field! PC File (tm) offers a mailing label generator directly within the package and may be attractive if you have not as yet selected a database package. Other packages also have mailing label generators, of course. Here is an example of one sample printout of a small portion of the database file in mailing label format which might give you an idea of both the "live data" inside the database as well as consideration of a user selected subset of the data: AUTHOR SUBMISSIONS & UPDATES AUTHOR SUBMISSIONS & UPDATES CALIFORNIA FREEWARE, Unit C-1 COMPUTER HUT 1747 EAST AVENUE Q 1825-F1 TAMIAMI TR. PALMDALE CA PORT CHARLOTTE FL 93550 33948 SHAREWARE LIBRARY SUBMISSION SHAREWARE LIBRARY SUBMISSION CHICAGO COMPUTER SOCIETY FOG POB 8681 POB 3474 CHICAGO IL DALY CITY CA 60680 94015 AUTHOR SUBMISSIONS & UPDATES AUTHOR SUBMISSIONS & UPDATES DATA OUTLET DISK COUNT DATA BOX 776 PO Box 36 MACON GA Lake Hamilton AR 31202 71951 AUTHOR SUBMISSIONS & UPDATES AUTHOR SUBMISSIONS & UPDATES DISK JOCKEY FLORIDA PC LIBRARY POB 7009 P.O. BOX 2878 BOCA RATON FL LEESBURG FL 33431 32749 SHAREWARE LIBRARY SUBMISSION SHAREWARE LIBRARY SUBMISSION BOSTON COMPUTER SOCIETY CAPITOL PC USERS GROUP ONE CENTER PLAZA 4520 EAST-WEST HWY, STE 550 BOSTON MA BETHESDA MD 02108 20814 SHAREWARE LIBRARY SUBMISSION SHAREWARE LIBRARY SUBMISSION HOUSTON AREA LEAGUE OF PC USERS NYPC POB 61266 40 WALL ST, STE 2124 HOUSTON TX NY NY 77208 10005 AUTHOR SUBMISSIONS & UPDATES AUTHOR SUBMISSIONS & UPDATES GEMINI SHAREWARE GENERIC COMPUTER SYSTEMS 12404 SE 38TH ST 22612 FOOTHILL BLVD, STE 200C BELLEVUE WA HAYWARD CA 98006 94541 AUTHOR SUBMISSIONS & UPDATES AUTHOR SUBMISSIONS & UPDATES NEW ENGLAND SOFTWARE LIBRARY PC ARCADE 9 DAVIS AVENUE 276 MOREHOUSE RD. SHELBURNE VT EASTON CT 05482 06612 AUTHOR SUBMISSIONS & UPDATES AUTHOR SUBMISSIONS & UPDATES PC SHAREWARE PC-SIG 1943 FELSPAR ST. 1030D EAST DUANE AVE. SAN DIEGO CA SUNNYVALE CA 92109 94086 SHAREWARE LIBRARY SUBMISSION SHAREWARE LIBRARY SUBMISSION PASADENA IBM USERS GROUP PHILADELPHIA COMPUTER SOCIETY 711 - EAST WALNUT ST LA SALLE UNIV, 20TH & OLNEY AV PASADENA CA PHILADELPHIA PA 91101 лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл ABOUT THE SHAREWARE DISTRIBUTOR RATING SYSTEM лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл The rating system for each shareware distributor in the database listing is very simple to sort, use and understand in maintaining your direct mail campaign. Each distributor receives a rating of A, B or C. A rating of A is PREFERRED status. A rating of B is COMMENDABLE status. A rating of C is ACCEPTABLE status or PENDING FURTHER RESEARCH. Affiliation with a professional group if noted means membership in the ASP (Association of Shareware Professionals (tm) or other trade group as noted. Ratings of shareware distributors are based on a variety of factors in approximately the following priority (highest to lowest): evidence of customer volume, volume of direct mail advertising, national magazine advertising, quality and size of catalog, degree of feedback and support to AUTHORS, years in business, professional trade affiliations, telephone support, multiple offices/sales locations, BBS support, response to request for information, promptness of shipments, refund policy, reporting of sales volumes to authors and other criteria. I also consider requests by vendors for extreme discounts on registered packages and overt requests for advertising revenues or other solicitations of money or exclusive distribution rights from authors by a vendor as negative factors. In general a high distributor rating may indicate a high volume of customers and thus a more attractive distributor to whom a shareware author might wish to submit software. The rating does not in any way provide an endorsement and as such is is offered only as a SUGGESTION. The purpose of this document is to serve shareware authors as a primary concern and shareware distributors as a secondary consideration. INVITATION TO DISTRIBUTORS: If a shareware distributor provides updated information concerning the points of evaluation listed above, I will enthusiastically consider revising the rating in future issues of this package. Unlisted distributors are encouraged to submit a catalog and detailed letter ON DISK (ASCII format) explaining helpful evaluation factors if they wish to be added to or revised in the mailing list database. The reason I would like the detailed letter on disk is that I may more easily insert all or part of that distributor's comments or supporting statements directly into the remarks field of the database if I determine this is helpful to shareware authors. I harbor no particular ill feelings towards distributors and recognize that they provide a valuable service to authors. However I have noticed that some distributors could improve in many areas. Here again are the points of evaluation a distributor should discuss on DISK in ASCII format: Ratings of shareware distributors are based on a variety of factors in approximately the following priority (highest to lowest): evidence of customer volume, volume of direct mail advertising, national magazine advertising, quality and size of catalog, degree of feedback and support to AUTHORS, years in business, professional trade affiliations, telephone support, multiple offices/sales locations, BBS support, response to request for information, promptness of shipments, refund policy, reporting of sales volumes to authors and other criteria. I also consider requests by vendors for extreme discounts on registered packages and overt requests for advertising revenues or other solicitations of money or exclusive distribution rights from authors by a vendor as negative factors.